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Represents a source in a compilation.


  • Source



ast?: AstNode

The source's abstract syntax tree.

compiler?: CompilerVersion

This field is a compatibility hack only intended for internal use. (It allows the compiler to be set on a source if none is set on the compilation as a whole; please don't do that.)

id?: string

The source's ID. For internal compatibility purposes, this may technically be left out, but please include it.

language?: string

The language for the source file. For compatibility purposes, this may technicaly be left out, but please include it.

settings?: Settings

This field is a compatibility hack only intended for internal use. (It allows the settings to be set on a source if none is set on the compilation as a whole; please don't do that.)

source?: string

The source text.

sourcePath?: string

The source's file path. If internal is true, will not be a real file path but rather just an arbitrary name.

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