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Open a Support Ticket!

Looking for more 1 on 1 guidance on the current issue? Feel free to contact our support team by opening a new ticket. We're happy to help!

Open a Support Ticket

GitHub Discussion

If you’re having trouble, want to ask a question, or have a suggestion for Truffle, our community is a great place to post. Connect on GitHub Discussion and chat with your fellow Trufflers and developers. The answer may be just a quick search away.

Issue tracker

If you find a bug or want to recommend a new feature, the best way to reach us is by raising an issue on the GitHub project pages for Truffle, Ganache, or Drizzle. If you're using another one of our tools or libraries, you may want to check out our full list of GitHub projects to be sure you're raising your issue in the best place.


If you want to reach out to give us some feedback you can always tweet at us!


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